This Post is About Yellow Buses (Don’t Worry, It’s Interesting!)

I’m sorry if I’ve lead you to believe that I am a genius. I can’t blame you for thinking that, seeing as it’s mostly true. I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I’m a pretty smart guy. In fact, whenever Sherlock Holmes is baffled by something, he comes to my doorstep for advice. That being said, there are still some things I do not know, and they’re usually obvious things.

I loved this episode, by the way.

Such as the fact that yellow school buses are an American icon.

My entire life I’ve ridden to school on a yellow school bus, and never thought anything of it. Of course I knew that not everyone in the world rode a yellow school bus to school, but I didn’t know that yellow school buses were apparently limited to North America. Canadians have yellow buses too (I think. When I visited Canada that one time, I never thought to look for one.), but when people think of yellow buses, they think of the U S of A, and that surprises me.

I found this out for the first time when watching a documentary on Doctor Who, a show that is becoming more and more commonly referenced on this blog. The documentary was about filming the sixth season opener (The Impossible Astronaut), and it had the cast and crew talking about how they wanted to get as many American icons as possible into the episode. When I said that, I thought to myself, “Well that explains the cowboy hat the Doctor was wearing, and the car he was sitting on, and the landscape they filmed the opening scene at,” but I never thought anything of the yellow school bus. Which was one of the most important parts, as it turns out.

Now, did any other Americans not know about this? Or am I just unusually ignorant of the rest of the world? And for my non-American viewers (they seem to growing in percentage each day, I’ve noticed), how often do you see yellow buses?

I need to know!